matthewsoareJun 29, 20167 minExcelsior!Today I’m going to veer away from the usual topics of games and talk a little bit about graphic novels. Comics. Whatever you want to call...
matthewsoareJul 6, 20155 minComic goodness…Its 8.00am and I’m on a bus. Yes, a bus. It’s half full of students from Winifred Holtby, and will soon be full (after a pickup at Kelvin...
matthewsoareApr 8, 20152 minNo…no… I’m a rock…et…girlRocket girl Image comics have served up a slice of classic story give you an idea of the work that Brandon Montclare (writer) and...
matthewsoareJul 18, 20142 minEXCELSIOR!For those of you who don’t know or haven’t worked it out from the tweets on this site, I am a librarian. I work in a library. It’s...